What is Domestic Tourism?

Posted on Mon 3 May 2021
For many, travelling abroad is a luxury and is something that is done once or twice a year. Saving up to enjoy one or two weeks in a foreign country is what helps to get us through the working day. Whether you want to visit a lovely, warm destination for a relaxing beach holiday, or somewhere a little bit different such as one of our experience holidays, the time away from the stresses and strains of everyday life is invaluable. When we’re away, visiting foreign countries, it gives us an opportunity to learn about new places, and discover the history and culture of the towns and cities. But this isn’t just restricted to far-flung locations as it is entirely possible to be a tourist in your own country. This is a branch of tourism called Domestic Tourism, the act of holidaying within the country that you live, often called a staycation in the UK. In this article, we’ll be looking at reasons why you should be a tourist in your own country, as well as visiting other locations around the world, the benefits of domestic tourism and the downsides that come with it.
Whether you’re in the UK, or any other country across the world, chances are you like to get away for at least one week per year to a different country. Maybe you want a sunny holiday for relaxing by the sea, or perhaps a cold break to hit the slopes with your skis and snowboard, we all want our own slice of paradise! Unfortunately, with the cost of flights and accommodation, and annual leave entitlement limiting holiday time, we’re not always able to go abroad as often as we may like. This means we spend more time thinking about going on holiday and less time actually on holiday! This is where domestic tourism steps in.
Benefits of Domestic Tourism
For the most part, foreign holidays often require more planning than domestic breaks away; booking flights, reserving accommodation, arranging airport parking, transfers and currency are all necessities and can be very time-consuming! A staycation eliminates these, for the most part, meaning you can book where your staying, get in the car and go! Admittedly, there are very few downsides to foreign travel, and when we’re in ‘holiday mode’, these snags are barely noticed, but we thought we’d mention them anyway. The multi-stage travel process can be laborious; travelling to the airport, then flying to your destination, then travelling to your accommodation – something that annoys us more on the journey home than it does on the journey out.
Although domestic holidaying in the UK can be expensive at times, and occasionally more costly than foreign travel, typically the cost of heading abroad is higher than staying in the UK, something to consider if you’re watching the pennies! It’s also worth pointing out that it’s not necessary to head to exotic destinations to find beautiful landscapes, picturesque coastlines or fascinating landmarks as there are likely plenty within your own country. Language is a factor that belongs in both ‘for’ and ‘against’ when it comes to domestic travel. With people on either side of the fence, we’ll let you decide whether it is your preference to visit a place that speaks a different language or not.
Down Sides to Domestic Tourism
The obvious downside to domestic travel is that you won’t be visiting another country. For many, a holiday isn’t a holiday unless you’re heading abroad to one of the many diverse and beautiful nations of the globe. Although there are distinct differences between the towns and cities in the UK, it’s not quite as different as visiting one of the other 190+ countries of the globe that’s waiting to be discovered. Another disadvantage of domestic tourism is that although the UK has a range of locations and regions, it’s only diverse to a point. This means that you will NEED to travel to another country to experience a broader range of things, whether this is to see monuments, visit cities or experience other cultures. Many people say that travel broadens the mind, and with this in mind, you should remember that visiting other countries will allow you to witness first-hand how other people from around the world live. There are limitless traditions, recipes, cultures and ways of living out there that could be perfect for you, so why not go out there and find them?
Here at Untravelled Paths, we live for travelling to other parts of the world, especially those places many people have not visited. Whether this is Romania, Ethiopia or any other far-flung county, we think that travel allows you to broaden your horizons and become a well-rounded individual. That said, it’s also important to recognise and appreciate the country that you live in. Domestic travel shouldn’t replace international travel, merely complement it. So if you fancy taking a wander down an untravelled path, get in touch to book your next adventure!
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