The Winter Historic Cafes Route Experience

30 March - 6 April 2024

The Winter Historic Cafes Route Experience

Embark on a journey through time with the Historic Cafes Route in Romania as you plot your way through some of Transylvania's most charming towns and lush, picturesque landscapes. Discover enchanting cafes that have been serving locals and travellers for centuries, each with its own unique atmosphere and rich cultural heritage. A coffee lover's dream come true and one of the best ways to learn and experience the region. First you'll arrive in Cluj where you'll have the opportunity to explore the beautiful square and cathedral and enjoy a bite to eat and a coffee. You'll then travel south towards the Avrig which is a quaint town a short drive from Sibiu. There you will be stay in the elegant Brukenthal Palace which was the summer residence from 1777 for Baron Samuel von Brukenthal who was from Austria and the governor of Transylvania. The Palace's gardens were famed for their beauty, often referred to as the Eden of Transylvania and this beauty is still very much present today. The following morning you'll travel up to the start of the Transfagarasan, known as one of the most spectacular roads in the world, until you reach the cable car. Then you'll take a 10 minute ride in the cable car, enjoying the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountain peaks covered in snow. You'll have time for activities and to explore the lake before having a magical once-in-a-lifetime dinner and drinks in the Hotel of Ice. Then keep yourself warm having a bit of a dance in the Ice Bar and once you've drunk up enough courage you'll be ready for your unforgettable night sleeping in your Ice Room. The following morning you'll be taken to Sibiu for lunch and tour of the old town including some of its oldest cafes before returning to Brukenthal Palace. Another early start with a quick coffee stop in Sibiu before travelling to Salina Mine in Turda. The mine is one the countries fastest growing attractions and one of the most spectular in the world complete with it's own amusement park - you have to see it to believe it! After that you'll be taken to Cluj for lunch and a tour including the most historic of Cluj's many cafes! Then you'll have you final meal to reflect on all you've done. The following day you'll be taken to the airport for your departure.